10 Kitchen Sponge Hacks You Need To Know

10 Kitchen Sponge Hacks You Need To Know | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Linda Home via YouTube


In this article, Linda Home on YouTube will teach you 10 essential kitchen sponge hacks that will revolutionize the way you view this everyday item. From clever cleaning tricks to innovative storage solutions, these hacks are designed to make your life easier and more efficient. Whether you’re an experienced home cook or someone who loves practical tips, these sponge hacks will inspire you to think outside the box and get the most out of this versatile tool.


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You’ll also learn how to maximize the lifespan of your sponges, turning them into valuable items that can handle a variety of tasks with ease. These hacks are not only practical but also budget-friendly, helping you save time and money while maintaining a clean and organized home.


Soak the sponge in water and add a tablespoon of baking soda. Place it in the fridge to eliminate bad odors.


Place a damp sponge inside a ziplock and freeze it overnight. Now you have an instant ice pack.


Cut some slit to the sponge and use this to clean the window tracks seamlessly.


Slit the sponge in its short length all over, then wrap it in a stick, yellow side out. Secure with an elastic. Use this to easily clean a bottle.

Cleaning a bottle with a kitchen sponge
Image credits: Linda Home via YouTube


Use a piece of sponge as a pin cushion.


Cut slits to the sponge vertically and horizontally, leaving the green part, and use this to easily clean an electric fan.


Cut a slit on the side of a sponge, insert a piece of soap, and soak it in water. Place it in the sink to easily wash your hands.


Poke some holes on the green side of the sponge using a pin. Next, cut the top area of an old plastic bottle, then place it over the sponge. Secure with hot glue. Open the cap and put some liquid soap inside. Use this to wash your dishes easily.

Attaching a bottle to a sponge to make a DIY dish washer
Image credits: Linda Home via YouTube


Use a piece of sponge as a wristrest whenever you use your personal computer.


Add some glue to the sponge and spread it. You can use this to easily glue items whenever you’re crafting something.

10 Kitchen Sponge Hacks You Need To Know

10 Kitchen Sponge Hacks You Need To Know

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