10 Helpful Tips for People Who Are Horrible at Painting Nails

10 Helpful Tips for People Who Are Horrible at Painting Nails | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by JauntyJuli via YouTube


Wondering how to paint your nails properly? Check out these 10 helpful tips for people who are horrible at painting nails.

Painting nails can be very tricky. It can get streaky and even chip in a day if you don’t do it properly. These mistakes are common for beginners, especially getting nail polish everywhere.


RELATED: 3 Ways to Remove Nail Polish Without a Nail Polish Remover

Achieving perfectly painted nails takes a lot of practice. It is more than just applying the base coat, nail polish, and top coat. You have to prep your nails first to remove any oils, dirt, or debris. It is an important step to prevent bubbling and lifting. Plus, it makes sure your nail polish lasts longer. Let JauntyJuli teach you 10 simple steps to get perfectly painted nails.

Here’s another tip for you: How to Paint Your Nails Perfectly

How to Paint Your Nails in 10 Easy Steps

1 – Clean polish

Apply oil or lotion to your fingers to soften your skin, then use your fingernail or plastic spoon to push your proximal nail fold back. Be very gentle.

2 – Wash your hands

Wash your hands in cool water to lower their temperature.

3 – Remove oils

If you want a long-wearing manicure, use a Q-tip to apply alcohol on your nail plates.

4 – Base coat

Invest in a base coat that is beneficial to your natural nails and provides a good base for color polish.

Nail Painting Tips
Image by JauntyJuli via YouTube

5 – Brush size

Pick a nail polish that fits your nail. If you use a brush that is too big, you can’t get around getting polish all over your skin. If you use one that is too small, it’s going to take forever to cover your entire nail.

6 – Remove polish

Run the brush stem along the inside of the bottle to prevent polish from dripping then remove polish from one side of the brush.

7 – Paint nails

Do your dominant hands first but leave out your thumb. Put the brush just below the cuticle of your nail and push it up. If there’s a little gap, that is fine.

Use the body of the brush to follow the shape of your nail and try to keep your strokes straight.

You can do a second coat of polish to get the color fully opaque.

How to Paint Your Nails
Image by JauntyJuli via YouTube

8 – Polish removal

If you get polish on your skin, remove the bulk immediately using a wooden stick but wipe it after each scrape.

Dip an angled eyeliner brush into nail polish remover and go around the edges of the polish. Wipe the brush often to prevent depositing color back onto your skin.

9 – Topcoat

Make sure to use a good-quality top coat. Cap the free edge of your nail by dragging the brush along the tip to fill in the color and protect it. Let it dry for 10 to 15 minutes.

10 – Oil

Carefully slather oil on your nails even if they are still a bit wet to add a resilient surface in case you brush them.

10 Helpful Tips For People That Are Horrible at Painting Nails

10 Tips for People That Are Horrible At Painting Nails

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