She Cuts 8″ Strips, Cuts Those Into Squares Making A Strikingly Crisp Looking Quilt!

She Cuts 8″ Strips, Cuts Those Into Squares Making A Strikingly Crisp Looking Quilt! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

When I first saw this quilt it reminded me of four leaf clovers or X’s. I absolutely love the contrast of the blue and white. It gives the quilt such a crisp look. Jenny tells us this idea originated from the Drunkards Quilt pattern, in which I recently shared with you.

This particular quilt is called a Sweet Blend Quilt and they used 3-1/4 yards for the colored fabric, 5-1/4 yards for the background fabric and 4-1/2 yards backing material. Each block is 9″.


She recommends that you use a circle cut ruler and a rotary cutter to make this quilt. She uses fusible to fuse the circles onto the squares. The fusible amount is 3-1/4 yards.

This all goes together so easy, you’ll be amazed at how easy it is! My daughter and I made one of these together and it was some great Mother-Daughter bonding time. I’m so pleased that she has shown an interest in sewing.

I come from a long line of seamstress’s and quilters and I’m pretty sure she’ll carry this tradition on.

I was so intrigued with this quilt design and amazed at all the quilt patterns available to us. My Mother and Grandmother never made any quilts with some of the amazing designs that are available to us today.

Watch how Jenny, with the Missouri Star Quilt Company, makes the stunning quilt in her step by step tutorial and get busy making yours!




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