She Puts Hot Glue Designs On A Cardboard Letter Then Watch What She Puts On Top Of It!

She Puts Hot Glue Designs On A Cardboard Letter Then Watch What She Puts On Top Of It! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

If you’re needing to add something special to your decor, these are perfect pieces for some great wall art. Display them either by theirselves or they look really cool in a grouping of pictures and other items you have mixed into your wall grouping. These decorative letters look expensive but only cost a few bucks to make.


I came across this unique idea on Pinterest. It was simply too cool not to try out, and these great directions ensured everything worked out well.

The technique isn’t new—it’s been around for years—and although it seemed to have a lot of steps and the potential for turning into a great summer camp craft. The materials were simple, so got some letters at the craft store and went for it. So keep this in mind if you have a Girl Scout troop or you’re a teacher and looking for a great project to do with your students.

A lot of people use Elmer’s glue or Aileene’s Tacky glue for the raised designs, but hot glue dries quicker and you can see the end results a lot faster.

The end result reminds me of the old tin ceiling tiles which were popular in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, during the Victorian era. While there aren’t so many vintage ones left, there are plenty of modern versions you can view on the Internet.

Watch how StyleNovice makes these cool letters in her step by step tutorial.

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