She Rolls Up Strips Of Newspaper And Watch the Attractive Piece She Makes! (OUTSTANDING!)

She Rolls Up Strips Of Newspaper And Watch the Attractive Piece She Makes! (OUTSTANDING!) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Many times I come across a DIY that costs virtually nothing to make and those are my favorites! Not only does it cost you nothing to make this but it’s EASY! You’ll love this, especially if you are a fan of handicrafts, recycling or green living! I was browsing the Wayfair site and came across a handcrafted newspaper bowl priced at $80! How outrageous when the materials used to make this is virtually free. As a crafter I always try to say, “don’t buy, just make!”


I love the look of narrow strips of rolled newspaper used in craft projects! It’s so intricate and unique looking. I especially love this bowl/wall hanging because of all the different sizes of circles…it makes it really interesting.

This awesome looking bowl can be used as an inexpensive way to decorate walls or can be used to display your favorite nail polish or jewelry.

This is an impressive piece that certainly doesn’t look like it costs you nothing to make! If you’re anything like me, my mind is thinking of all the things you can make with this newspaper strip technique! I think different sizes of little colored bowls is my next project, after making this one! They look so cute on a shelf and add a unique look and add a pop of color to your decor!

So, get busy and watch Ready For DIY’s step by step tutorial so you can start doing this cool project!



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