I Was Shocked When I Saw What He Made Out Of His Used CD’s (Watch!)

I Was Shocked When I Saw What He Made Out Of His Used CD’s (Watch!) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Ok, this DIY project really blew my mind. I couldn’t imagine what he was making out of his old CD’s! When I first saw a picture of this I knew what it was, but I didn’t realize what he used to make it…so brilliant and stunning!


I’m amazed at what people are making out of their old CD’s. I couldn’t believe some of the beautiful things on Pinterest. I especially loved a butterfly I saw!

The trash can he makes in his tutorial is phenomenal and would be right at home with modern decor, although it would look great with other decor as well.

These would be great housewarming gifts for people moving into a new place, and you can fill them up with cleaning supplies or other things that person might need in their new place!

I love the way he spray paints this trash can silver, but keep in mind that you can paint them any color that will fit in perfectly with your decor and color scheme.

Bottom line…this is just too cool and I could go on and on about it! You know you’re gonna have to have one of these! I know I did and have already made one for my son’s room. He loves it!

Watch how Hassan Abu-Izmero makes this great looking piece in his step by step tutorial!


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