This Blew My Mind When He Put A Tea Light In A Coke Can And Made This (Watch!)

This Blew My Mind When He Put A Tea Light In A Coke Can And Made This (Watch!) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Ok, now I’ve seen everything! When I ran across this I put the brakes on and backed up to check this out! I’m glad I did because I wouldn’t have wanted to miss this one. It’s the perfect thing to know how to do when you are camping. I can’t understand why I haven’t seen this before! This is just too clever for words.


Sometimes you’re stuck in the middle of the deep forest during your camping, with some popcorn kernels, and nothing to pop them with. Luckily, with a coke can and an army knife, you can be on your way to some fresh cooked popcorn! Popcorn is a favorite snack food for most of us, especially when camping out.

In this tutorial he shows how you can turn a coke can into a popcorn maker. I am trying to make the Popcorn maker by using only a multi functional Army knife because in most camping situations you may not find any other tools on your hand.

This is all you need:

1. Coke/Soda/Beer Can

2. Tea Light Candle

3. Popcorn

4. Leatherman Tool or Knife

5. Match stick or Lighter

6. Bowl

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did…I think it’s brilliant! So watch how Open Green Energy does this in their step by step tutorial so you’ll know how to do this on your next camping expedition! Enjoy!

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