He Paints This Vase With Splashes Of Yellow, But It’s What He Adds Next That Really Makes It Pop (Watch!)

He Paints This Vase With Splashes Of Yellow, But It’s What He Adds Next That Really Makes It Pop (Watch!) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Recently I decided to clean out the little closet in my kitchen. Maybe you might have a little closet like this? It’s where you shove everything into, right before company arrives, and then you forget about it until one day, the door bursts open and you realize that’s where everything you ever thought you lost has been!


Along with all of the stuff  in there, I found glass vases galore. Small ones, big ones and ugly ones that come with flower deliveries. After remembering a tutorial I saw a while back, this color freak decided to give them a makeover instead of donating them to my local thrift store.

Mark Montano uses every color he could to give these vases a confetti look and boy are they gorgeous! I just had to do the same thing. After all, I certainly had plenty of vases to paint on!

After painting the colorful splashes of paint to the vase, he gives these vases the look of brightly colored confetti. To give them a classy and finished look he adds gold to the bottom of the vases, with a paint pen. The end result is stunning!

Watch how Mark Montano, with Make Your Mark, paints these vases so you can do the same!

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