Forget Ethan Allen…She Uses Cardboard, Glue, PVC, And Paint To Make This Cool Table!

Forget Ethan Allen…She Uses Cardboard, Glue, PVC, And Paint To Make This Cool Table! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

I’ve gotta say that this DIY project really took me by surprise! I’d never heard of making furniture out of cardboard! I think this table is pretty cool looking, especially after knowing how she made it.

I never cease to be amazed at the crazy projects that are available to us nowadays. Heck, if you need a hall table or console table, you might as well give this a shot…nobody would ever guess what you made it out of, so what do you have to lose, but a little bit of time?


When I was growing up I had a little nightstand table that was made out of cardboard…I’m sure most of you remember them and you threw a little round table cloth, with a ruffle at the bottom, over it. Worked like a charm!

People actually make head and footboards for their beds, shelves, and more, out of cardboard. Look at some of the crazy things people make out of cardboard, on Pinterest,…you be surprised!

So, if you’re on a household budget and need an extra piece of furniture or shelves, keep this in mind. Apparently it works and is pretty sturdy!

Watch how Craft With Creativity makes this awesome table in their step by step tutorial and give this a whirl!



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