She Cuts Up Wood Stir Sticks, Lays Them Like Hardwood Floors, Making This Amazing Item!

She Cuts Up Wood Stir Sticks, Lays Them Like Hardwood Floors, Making This Amazing Item! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

I must say that I was rather shocked at how expensive this looks and what she used to make it. I am always surprised at some of the brilliant things that people come up with…you will be too!


Surprisingly, wooden coffee stir sticks are a unsustainable and virtually non-compostable product.  Even more surprising: plastic stir sticks break down faster than wooden ones.

I was so impressed with this DIY coffee stir stick necklace and the technique she used to give it this weathered wood paint finish.

This is unbelievably easy to make and just takes a few minutes to paint it. I had to make this right away and I’ve gotten so many inquiries and compliments on it since I’ve worn it!

Nobody can believe it’s made out of wooden coffee stir sticks…I love watching people’s faces when I tell them that! It’s certainly a unique piece of jewelry that you won’t see everybody wearing. That’s for sure!

These make fabulous gifts for friends and family, so keep that in mind when you’ve got a birthday or holiday rolling around.

You can purchase a set of 3 brass arrows for $10 from Debi’s website: www,debisdesigndiary,com. Click on shop at the top and search brass arrows. You may try finding them at a craft store too.

Watch how Debi, with Debi’s Design Diary, makes this awesome necklace so you can get started making one for yourself and your friends!

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