Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away Silica Gel Packs

Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away Silica Gel Packs | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Natural Cures via YouTube


Have you ever wondered what the small packet inside your newly purchased bag is? As a kid, I used to think it was just part of the packaging with no purpose, but later on, I learned that it has a lot of uses! Natural Cures has listed several answers to why you shouldn’t throw away silica gel packs.


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These silica gels are made from silicon dioxide, which can absorb large amounts of water. That is why you see most of the packets in your bags or any store-bought products. They are not edible, but you can place a pack in your food products to remove moisture and prevent them from becoming hard.

Next time you see them in your newly purchased item, don’t throw them away. Reuse them instead.

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What To Do With Silica Gel Packs

1 – Dry your wet phone

Placing your phone in a container with silica gel packets can dry your phone just like rice.

What To Do With Silica Gel Packs
Image by Natural Cures via YouTube

2 – Keep your object fresh and clean

To avoid your sheets and towels from getting moldy, keep them in plastic bags with some gel packets. This trick also works for backpacks, cabinets, and even sneakers. It absorbs humidity and reduces the propagation of bacteria and bad smells.

3 – Avoid bad smells in your gym bag and shoes

To lessen the smells in your gym bag, place some packs. They will absorb the humidity and reduce the strong smells.

You can also place them in your shoes.

How to Recharge Silica Gels
Image by Natural Cures via YouTube

4 – Preserve your makeup items

Keeping a gel packet in your makeup bag keeps everything dry and may extend the shelf-life of your products.

5 – Prevent rusting

Did you know putting silica gel packs in your toolbox prevents your tools from rusting? Yes, it does. You can also put it beside your razors.

6 – Remove stains from jewelry

Put packets of silica gels beside your silver jewelry to avoid stains.

How to Recharge Silica Gels

If they turn into a pinkish hue, it means they have absorbed too much humidity and are no longer efficient. You can recycle them by placing the packets in an old baking tray you no longer use and heat in the oven for an hour at 212F to dry them. Remember to store it properly. Do not eat it. 

Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away Silica Gel Packs

Why You Shouldn't Throw Away Silica Gel Packs (1)

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