Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away Orange Peels

Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away Orange Peels | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Joy Home Remedies via YouTube


Do you love eating oranges? Next time you buy them, do not throw the peels away. Oranges are not only rich in vitamin C but also packed with fiber and calcium. You can make a ton of desserts, spreads, drinks, and dishes with this citrus fruit. Here are some recipe ideas: Super Easy Orange CakeCopycat Panda Express Orange Chicken Recipe, 4-Ingredient Orange Marmalade Recipe


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One of the most common ways to use orange peels is to turn them into candies. They become sweet and chewy as you cook them in sugar. Aside from that, did you know they have other uses? The peels are also great for cleaning, deodorizing, and shining! Learn how to use them at home with Joy Home Remedies‘s tutorial.

Orange Peel Uses

1 – DIY citrus cleaner

Fill a pot with water, then add orange peels and a bit of vinegar. Let it come to a boil, then turn off the heat. Let it cool then transfer to a spray bottle.

2 – Use a degreaser

Before the peels dry out completely, you can use them to degrease different surfaces and even pots and pans.

3 – Clean garbage disposal

If your garbage disposal stinks, drop some orange peels down the drain. Run the garbage disposal until it’s clear, then follow with some warm water.

4 – Freshen air

Boiling orange peels with water, or burning them in a paper bag in the fireplace can give off a comforting smell. You can even add cinnamon sticks or mint.

Orange Air Freshener
Image by Joy Home Remedies via YouTube

5 – Deodorize your refrigerator

Cut an orange in half and remove the flesh. Fill one small orange peel bowl with salt. Place it in your fridge for a week or two.

6 – Use to shine wood

Rub the white part of the orange to any wood surface and wipe with a damp cloth.

7 – Shoe odor remover

Put some dry orange peels in a cloth sack and insert them into your shoe.

8 – Orange peel candle

Add finely shredded orange peels into the melted candle wax.

Orange peel candle
Image by Joy Home Remedies via YouTube

9 – Nourishing face mask

Mix equal parts of milk and orange peel powder until you get a thick paste. Apply to your face and wash after an hour.

Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away Orange Peels

why you shouldn't throw away orange peels

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