Image credit: Vijaya Selvaraju on Youtube
Hardboiled eggs have never been easier to peel than they are now, thanks to these three surefire methods from Vijaya Silvaraju on Youtube! You can choose from the 3 methods she demonstrates in her tutorial. This method can be useful for any type of hardboiled egg, like deviled eggs, leftover Easter eggs, or eggs you get from the hotel cafeteria. The most amazing thing about these methods is that they can be done in under 10 seconds! So, for those who are in a rush, you can just choose which method you want.
Method #1: Tap and Roll
Gently tap your hardboiled egg on the counter and give it a gentle roll. And then slowly pry away the skin and it will come off really easily.
Method #2: The Spoon Method
Tap the widest part of the hardboiled egg on the counter. Then peel off about a quarter of the skin. Then take a small teaspoon and insert it under the shell and start rotating the egg. The shell will begin to crack. And once you peel off all the cracked skin, you will get a perfectly peeled hardboiled egg.
Method #3: Abra Cadabra
Tap the base of your hardboiled egg on the counter. Remove about a quarter of the skin, revealing a bit of the white inside. Then tap the top of your egg on the counter. Then remove about the size of a dime from the shell. Then bring the egg to your mouth and blow. The egg will just fall right out of the rest of the shell. Make sure you have something to catch it with.
There you have it! There are three easy ways to peel off a hardboiled egg as quickly as possible. You don’t have to commit to one method, though. If you think one doesn’t work for you, then try the others. You’ll never know; you might come up with one favorite way.