How to Unclog a Kitchen Sink Drain (Fast and Cheap Method)

How to Unclog a Kitchen Sink Drain (Fast and Cheap Method) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by: Natural Cures


Your drain is probably clogged if the water in the sink is backing up whenever you’re using it. Oftentimes, this is caused by the build-up of oil in the pipes. When we pour fat or oil into the drain it’s normally in liquid form, but once the weather becomes cold they end up solidifying and blocking the kitchen pipes. If it’s not the oil, it can be pieces of food that prevent the water from flowing. Here are tips and tricks on how to unclog a kitchen sink drain in a fast and cheap method by Natural Cures on Youtube. Read on for the full instructions.



  • half cup of salt or dish detergent
  • two liters of water


For the salt:

Step 1:

Pour one-half cup of salt into your kitchen sink drain and wait until all of it goes down.

How to Unclog a Kitchen Sink Drain Fast and Cheap Solutions
Image by: Natural Cures


Step 2:

In a big pot, pour two liters of water and place it on the stove. Let it boil. Once the water starts bubbling, turn off the stove and pour the water down the drain slowly. The hot water will melt the built-up fat in the pipes of your kitchen sink. After the boiled water went all down the drain, run some more hot water from the faucet just to make sure. The texture from the salt will help remove any remaining fat on the pipes.


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For the dish detergent:

Step 1:

Boil the 2 liters of water in a pot and mix a few spoonfuls of detergent into the water.

Step 2:

Pour the soapy down the kitchen sink drain. Wait until it all goes down. The detergent will help dissolve the fat in the pipes melted by the water.


If caused by food buildup:

Step 1:

Unclog your kitchen drain sink from food build-up by doing it manually using a cup plunger or stainless steel.

How to Unclog a Kitchen Sink Drain Fast and Cheap Instructions
Image by: Natural Cures


Step 2:

Pour boiled water down the kitchen sink to remove any stray pieces of food.


How to Unclog a Kitchen Drain – Fast and Cheap

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