Turn Style Quilt With Jenny Doan

Turn Style Quilt With Jenny Doan | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Missouri Star via YouTube


Sometimes, we just want an easy and quick project to make on a weekend, so here’s a turn style quilt by Missouri Star! It’s a fun project that you can finish right away using 10″ squares of precut fabric or layer cakes. Even beginners can easily follow the steps. Read on or watch the video below for full instructions. Happy sewing!



  • one pack of 10″ print squares
  • one pack of 10″ background squares
  • 1/2 yard of background fabric
  • 1 1/2 yards of outer border
  • 3/4 yards of binding
  • 7 3/4 yards of backing


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Step 1:

Take one print square and one background square. Place them on top of each other, right sides together. Sew on the two sides (top and bottom not included) with a 1/4″ seam allowance. Once done, lay the ruler corner to corner, and cut diagonally. Now, you have a quarter square triangle. Press it open with the seams pressed toward the dark side.

Step 2:

Form the two-quarter triangles into a square. Lay them on top of each other and sew them together with a 1/4″ seam allowance. Make sure to nest the seams. Press it open. Trim it into a 13″ block.

Turn Style Quilt With Jenny Doan Tutorial
Image by Missouri Star via YouTube

Step 3:

Cut a 3″ strip from all sides.

Step 4:

Turn your hourglass in the middle first so the white matches up to the color and the color match up to the white. Flip the corner squares right around – white to color and color to white. Sew them together in rows first with a 1/4″ seam allowance. Once sewn, sew the rows together to make the block. Press the seams flat.

Turn Style Quilt With Jenny Doan Pattern
Image by Missouri Star via YouTube

Step 5:

When you arrange the blocks, you have to turn the block after each one. You know you are wrong, when two colors are next to each other. When the blocks come together, the corners will form a pinwheel. You need 6 blocks across and 6 blocks down for a total of 36. For the outer border, they are three-inch half-square triangles.


Turn Style Quilt With Jenny Doan

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