Trick For Defrosting Steak in Five Minutes

Trick For Defrosting Steak in Five Minutes | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by The Doctors via YouTube


Steaks are one of the most popular foods all around the world. They’re rich in flavor, juicy, and packed with protein. Many restaurants serve them, but they can be expensive. If you are a steak lover, cooking them at home can save you a lot of money. Plus, you can season them just how you like and cook them to your preferred doneness.


RELATED: How to Grill the Perfect Steak Every Time

Just remember that you need to thaw the meat before cooking to ensure even cooking. It will give you the best texture, flavor, and juiciness. If you forget to take it out of the freezer and need it right away, this trick from the Doctors for defrosting steak will save you! It will thaw the meat faster than usual, saving you time. This method does not require any special equipment–all you need are two pots!

Not thawing your steak before cooking, might take longer to sear and may not give you the best taste and texture.

What You Need to Defrost Steak Quickly

  • two metal pots big enough to cover the whole surface of your steak
  • lukewarm water


How to Defrost Steak Quickly

Step 1:

Place your steak in a resealable plastic bag.

Step 2:

Fill one of the pots with lukewarm water.

Step 3:

Take the other pot and place it upside down on a flat surface.

Step 4:

Place the sealed steak on top of the upside-down pot.

What You Need to Defrost Steak Quickly
Image by The Doctors via YouTube

Step 5:

Take the other pot with lukewarm water and place it on top of the steak. Over time through conduction, the pots will help it thaw out. It will take around five minutes for a thin steak and 10 minutes or more for a fat steak.

To make the thawing process faster, change the water once it gets cold.

How to Defrost Steak Quickly
Image by The Doctors via YouTube

Trick For Defrosting Steak in Five Minutes

Easy Trick for Defrosting Steak Quickly

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