Tranquil Triangles Quilt With Jenny Doan

Tranquil Triangles Quilt With Jenny Doan | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Missouri Star via YouTube


Do you have layer cakes or 10-inch squares at home? If you do, here’s a beautiful project to make with them! This is called the tranquil triangles quilt by Missouri Star. Look closely into the block. Each of them is made of 9 half-square triangles that go in the same direction. Can you see them? When you combine four of these blocks, you’ll create this gorgeous pattern that somehow looks like an illusion!


RELATED: Half Square Triangles Around the World Quilt With Jenny

A half-square triangle is one of the most basic blocks that every beginner should know how to make, and there are several ways to do it. You can try different methods first and choose what works for you the most, so it will be easier for you to sew other patterns that have half-square triangles in the future. This quilt pattern is easy to follow, and you can even finish it in a day.

Half-Square Tranquil Triangles Materials

  • 1 package of 10″ print squares
  • 1 package of 10″ print background squares
  • 1/2 yard of inner border
  • 1 yard of outer border
  • 3/4 yards of binding
  • 4 yards of backing


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How to Make Tranquil Triangles Quilt

Step 1:

Take one 10″ square of color and one 10″ square of background. Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on both directions on the white square making an X. Place the background on top of the color, right sides together. Sew 1/4″ away on either side of the lines. Cut in half horizontally and vertically, then cut directly on the lines. Set the seams and press toward the dark side. Do this for 18 of your squares.

Step 2:

Square all half-square triangles into 4 1/2″ squares.

Step 3:

Get 9 pieces from your half-square triangles and arrange them like a 9-patch. Make sure your triangles are pointing toward the same direction. Sew them in rows first. Press the seams on the first and third rows in the same direction and the middle in the opposite direction. Sew the rows together to make the block. You need 16 pieces of this block.

Half-Square Tranquil Triangles Materials
Image by Missouri Star via YouTube

Step 4:

Arrange four blocks together to make the bigger block, either with the white or color in the center. Sew the big blocks together to finish the quilt.

How to Make Tranquil Triangles Quilt
Image by Missouri Star via YouTube


Tranquil Triangles Quilt With Jenny Doan

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