The Secret to Eliminate Little Black Ants

The Secret to Eliminate Little Black Ants | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by DIY Homestead Projects via YouTube


Ants can thrive year-round, but they are more active during spring until early fall. Little black ants love the heat and can multiply fast in warm temperatures. That’s probably why you suddenly see them roaming around your home. They won’t sting you, but they are capable of biting you. Although these pesky insects are not dangerous, they can be very annoying.


RELATED: How to Find the Nest of Ants and Get Rid of Them

If you are dealing with the same problem, try this homemade solution by DIY Homestead Projects. It is the secret to eliminate little black ants. You can easily and quickly wipe out the entire colony of ants in your home with this trick. No need to buy harmful products from the store!

When you try this at home, make sure to keep it away from kids and pets.

For more ant tips and tricks, check these out: 3 Cheap Tricks to Get Rid of Ants In Your Home

What You Need to Make an Ant-Repellent Solution

  • warm water
  • granulated sugar
  • pure granular boric acid
  • crouton or bread
  • paper plate
  • plastic egg carton

How to Eliminate Black Ants

Step 1:

Fill a glass halfway with warm water. Add a teaspoon of granulated sugar and mix until the sugar dissolves.

Step 2:

Add a few tablespoons of pure granular boric acid. Mix well. Let it set for a minute or two.

What You Need to Make an Ant-Repellent Solution
Image by DIY Homestead Projects via YouTube

Step 3:

Add a piece of crouton or bread. Let it set for a couple of minutes to absorb the solution.

Step 4:

Once the crouton is fully soaked, tear the edge of the paper plate and place the crouton.

How to Eliminate Black Ants
Image by DIY Homestead Projects via YouTube

Step 5:

Cut a plastic egg tray and make small cuts on the sides where the ants can get inside. Place it upside down on the crouton.

Step 6:

Place on areas where you see black ants.

The Secret to Eliminate Little Black Ants


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