10 Things To Toss Immediately

10 Things To Toss Immediately | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image By: Clean My Space Via YouTube


When I found this awesome de-cluttering video by Clean My Space, on YouTube, I got so inspired by the many ideas presented. We all have those items that we went out to buy for one particular thing that we thought was going to happen, but it didn’t. Maybe we pick up a tool for one thing and that use has happened long ago, and won’t happen again. These items can lay around the house for ages and take up valuable space, so you may want to look at getting rid of those things. You may want to go through your board games and pick out the ones you really enjoy, if they were duds, and no one really had that much fun playing them, go ahead and get rid of them, again teachers or families in the neighborhood may really be needing items like this.


Here is a great idea for keeping an important key in a box that you don’t want to throw away. For instance, you want to keep a box to IPads, computers, and such, and in the case of this Nest Cam doorbell, you want to keep that key that came with it, so put it in the box and write on the outside exactly what it is.

Learn To Organize - Throw Out Old Junk - Keep Important Keys Safe
Image By: Clean My Space Via YouTube

Go through all your old hobbies, for instance, if you haven’t crafted in 10 years, give all the unused items to a teacher, they will be using those things every day!


Organize Craft Supplies - Throw Away Unused Items - How To Organize Your Space
Image By: Clean My Space Via YouTube

There are so many great ideas in this video, it really helped me clean my space.

10 Things To Toss Immediately

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