Super Fluffy Souffle Omelet Recipe

Super Fluffy Souffle Omelet Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by: Nino's Home


Have you ever heard of this super fluffy souffle omelet? If you haven’t, you must try this recipe by Nino’s Home on Youtube at home. It is easy and quick to make! Once you take a bite, you’ll be amazed by the texture as it melts in your mouth. It’s a nice breakfast dish to prepare during lazy days. Read on to learn the full instructions.



  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar (optional, but it will be lumpy)
  • butter or cooking oil


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Step 1:

Get 2 bowls. Crack 2 eggs and separate the yolks from the whites and place them into 2 separate bowls. Once done, add 1/4 teaspoon of salt to the yolk. Whisk well until smooth. Next, add 1 teaspoon of sugar to egg whites and beat it. It is better to use an electric mixer if you have one to speed up the process. If you don’t, you can use a whisk and still get the same result but it will consume much more time. Make sure to not overwhip the egg whites to the point of separation as they won’t be fluffy anymore. It’s okay if you don’t want to add sugar but it will turn out lumpy.

Super Fluffy Souffle Omelet Ingredients
Image by: Nino’s Home


Step 2:

Add the yolk to the whisked egg whites. Fold until well combined. Do not overdo it or it will deflate or separate.

Step 3:

Get an 8-9 inch diameter nonstick pan and place in low heat. Put some butter (or cooking oil), let it melt, and spread on the pan to prevent it from sticking. Immediately pour the egg into the pan. Spread it evenly until smooth.

Note: the whipped eggs can deflate super fast, so you have to fry them immediately.

Super Fluffy Souffle Omelet Instructions
Image by: Nino’s Home


Step 4:

Cover with the lid and keep the heat on low for 3 to 4 minutes until fully cooked.

Step 5:

After 3-4 minutes, fold it in half gently using a spatula. Move it back a little bit to make some space for the filling. Flip it to the side to help lock the runny filling.


Super Fluffy Souffle Omelet Recipe

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