Have some yarns at home you no longer use? Make them into these cute and super easy woolen flower DIY by Meyemce Hobiler on Youtube. Adults, kids, or people of all ages will surely enjoy making this craft. You can use them to decorate your items at home like bags, hats, or pillow covers. Make them in any color you want. You can also give these as gifts to your friends who love sewing, they will definitely love these. Read on or watch the video below for the full instructions.


  • fork
  • yarn (any preferred color)
  • scissors
  • yarn needle
  • a big piece of a bead (any preferred color)


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Step 1:

Get the end of the yarn and loop it around the tines of the fork, 30 times. Once done, cut the yarn but leave plenty of allowances.

Step 2:

Insert the end into a yarn needle, and loop inside the first tine of the fork – it will create a small loop. Insert the needle into the loop and tighten it. Repeat.

Super Easy Woolen Flower DIY Tutorial
Image by Meryemce Hobiler


Step 3:

Pull the yarn towards the other end and lock it again twice. Once done remove from the fork and cut the excess. Make 4 more to make the flower.

Step 4:

Using a yarn needle with yarn, tie all 5 pieces together by inserting the yarn on the ends of each piece. Remove the needle and tie a knot to join both ends.

Super Easy Woolen Flower DIY Project
Image by Meryemce Hobiler


Step 5:

Without cutting the end of the yarn, insert a needle yarn and add one bead. Poke it to one of the ends of the looped yarn to secure it. Cut the excess yarn and you are done.


If you like this easy and fun DIY project, visit and follow Meryemce Hobiler on Youtube. They have tons of amazing woolen ideas like keychains and hairpins.

Super Easy Woolen Flower DIY


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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