Isn’t this pattern by Riley Blake Designs beautiful? Let SewVeryEasy teach you how to speed up sewing this super easy quilt block with some tricks so you can finish this project right away. Watch the video below for full instructions.
For the basics 1/8″ stripe aqua, cut 5 pieces of 2 1/2″ x WOF strips.
For the background fabric, cut 10 pieces of 2 1/2″ x WOF strips, then sub-cut to:
(B) 36 rectangles 2 1/2″ x 4 1/2″
(C) 36 rectangles 2 1/2″ x 6 1/2″
For the other fabrics, you will cut them into same sizes but in different quantities.
(A) 4 1/2″ x 4 1/2″ square
(D) 2 1/2″ x 6 1/2″ rectangle
(E) 2 1/2″ x 8 1/2″ rectangle
Moss fabric – 1 piece each of A, D, and E
Brick fabric – 1 piece each of A, D, and E
Olive fabric – 2 pieces each of A, D, and E
Red fabric – 2 pieces each of A, D, and E
Peacock fabric – 3 pieces each of A, D, and E
Cayenne fabric – 3 pieces each of A, D, and E
Berry fabric – 4 pieces each of A, D, and E
Powder fabric – 4 pieces each of A, D, and E
Peaches n’ cream fabric – 5 pieces each of A, D, and E
Sunshine fabric – 5 pieces each of A, D and E
Honey fabric – 6 pieces each of A, D, and E
Step 2:
For each block, you need (1) each of A, B, C, D, and E. B and C are white fabrics, and all the other pieces (A, D, and E) are of the same colorway. Sew the pieces in alphabetical order.
Image by SewVeryEasy via YouTube
Step 3:
You need to make 36 blocks.
1 each in moss and brick
2 each in olive and red
3 each in peacock and cayenne
4 each in powder and berry
5 each in peaches ‘n cream and sunshine
6 each in honey
Step 4:
Assemble the blocks into 6 rows of 6 blocks each. Sew the rows together to finish the quilt. Layer the quilt top, batting and backing, then bind with 2 1/2″ x WOF strips.