Strawberry Caprese Stuffed Avocados

Strawberry Caprese Stuffed Avocados | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Avocado obsessed? Love caprese salad or strawberries? Well, have I got the recipe for you! Strawberry Caprese Salad Stuffed Avocados are about to blow your mind (and your tastebuds). This dish transforms everyone’s favorite creamy green fruit into a vibrant, flavor-packed masterpiece. It’s a healthy, easy summer salad idea that you can’t help but love.


At first glance, you might be skeptical of the strawberry avocado combo. I sure was, but a friend served it to me, and let me assure you, it works…and it works amazingly well. The avocado provides that luxurious, velvety base to offset the juicy pops of sweet strawberry. It’s like Caprese salad, but way better! The tangy strawberries are so much more flavorful than tomato, and the avocado adds an incredible texture to every bite. These stuffed avocado boats are also loaded with fresh mozzarella pearls for an extra touch of indulgence. Those little bursts of creaminess from the mozzarella complement the avocado and strawberries beautifully. Fresh basil lends its slightly peppery, distinctive flavor that ties all the other ingredients together in perfect harmony. Then, the tangy white balsamic vinegar adds the perfect punch of acid and balances out all that creaminess. One bite and your tastebuds will be utterly delighted by the perfect medley of rich, sweet, acidic, and herbal notes.

Healthy Strawberry Salad Recipe Idea With Avocado

Think velvety avocado, tart and tangy fresh strawberries, soft mozzarella pearls, and a crisp pop of basil – a symphony of flavors and sensations.

They’re not just crazy delicious though – these little green beauties are also total showstoppers in the looks department. The vibrant green avocado against those ruby red strawberries? It’s definitely one of the cutest salad recipes I’ve made lately, and a fun dish to take to impress at your next potluck or party.

These stuffed avocados are insanely versatile too. Serve them as an elegant yet healthy-ish appetizer or meal starter. They also make a wonderful light lunch or dinner, especially when paired with a crisp green salad or some crusty bread to soak up all the juices.

These avocados are the perfect sunny day dish. Can’t you just picture it – lounging on the patio with one of these stuffed avos in hand, soaking up some rays? Or pack them up for a picnic – they’ll definitely upstage that boring pasta salad!

Easy Avocado Recipes- Strawberry Caprese Salad Stuffed Avocado

Best of all, they’re deceptively easy to make. No fancy chef skills are required! Just whip up the simple vinaigrette and strawberry-mozzarella filling, load it into the avocado halves, and you’ve got an incredibly impressive yet low-effort dish. You can double down on the recipe and make enough to feed a crowd or pare it down to make one or two servings.

Trust me, once you take your first bite of these creamy, sweet, tangy, herby stuffed avocados, they’ll instantly become your new warm weather obsession. You’ve been warned – they’re insanely addictive!

So next time you’ve got some ripe avocados on hand and need an amazing way to use them, this is the recipe for you. Let’s get stuffing!

Ingredients for Caprese Salad Made With Strawberry and Avocado

Strawberry Caprese Salad Stuffed Avocado Recipe:


  • 3 avocados, halved and pitted
  • 1 cup diced strawberries
  • 3/4 cup fresh mozzarella pearls
  • 1/4 cup shredded fresh basil, plus more for garnish
  • 3 tbsp white balsamic vinegar
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp black pepper

Healthy Summer Salad Recipe Ideas - Strawberry Caprese Stuffed Avocado

Instructions for Making Caprese Stuffed Avocados:

Step 1:

Make the vinaigrette by whisking together the white balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and black pepper in a medium bowl. If you don’t have white balsamic, you can use regular, but the color of the viniagrette will be darker. I recommend finding a good white balsamic vinegar and keeping it on hand for other salad dressing recipes -it’s fabulous!

White Balsamic Vinegar Recipes for Salad

Step 2:

Dice strawberries and chop basil.

Step 3:

To the vinaigrette, add the diced strawberries, mozzarella pearls, and shredded basil. Gently toss to combine.

Easy Caprese Salad Recipe Made With Strawberries

Step 4:

Slice avocados in half. Remove seed. Remove the avocado from the outside skin/shell using a large spoon.  Using a small spoon, scoop out a little bit of the center of the avocado halves to create more room for stuffing.


Step 4:

Generously spoon the strawberry-mozzarella mixture into each avocado half, stuffing it full.

How to Make Caprese Salad With Strawberry Avocado Stuffing

Step 5:

If desired, garnish the stuffed avocados with an extra sprinkle of shredded basil and black pepper. Put some strawberries and a fresh basil sprig on the plate for extra cuteness.

Strawberry Basil Caprese Salad Stuffed Avocado Recipe for An Easy Summer Dinner Recipe

Step 6:

Serve immediately while the avocados are still cool and enjoy! Leftovers can be stored covered in the fridge for 1-2 days.

That’s it! Within just a few easy steps, you’ll have the most gorgeous, flavorful stuffed avocados ready to delight your tastebuds.

These make such an impressive yet refreshing starter or light meal. But honestly, I wouldn’t judge if you wanted to eat several avocado halves as a snack or dessert!


For a lovely light lunch, serve the stuffed avocados over a bed of fresh greens with some crusty bread on the side. The greens will catch all the delicious juices from the filling.

They’re also an awesome cookout or potluck dish. Make them in advance and they’ll hold up perfectly for transporting. Just be prepared for them to disappear fast!

Or for the ultimate summertime treat, enjoy the stuffed avocados poolside or straight off the grill at your next backyard BBQ. They make the perfect cooling bite on a hot day.

However you serve them, I guarantee these Strawberry Caprese Stuffed Avocados will be an absolute smash hit. The flavors and textures are truly insane! Creamy avocado, bursting strawberries, rich mozzarella, herby basil, tangy balsamic – it’s a combo you just have to taste to believe.

So go ahead and treat yourself to this little green taste of paradise! After one bite, you’ll be completely addicted. Consider yourself warned…

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