When and How to Start Fall Lawn Care?

When and How to Start Fall Lawn Care? | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by: Ryan Knorr Lawn Care


The fall season is fast approaching. After the scorching heat of summer months that made your lawn brown and full of spots, the weather is finally becoming cooler. Now, is the perfect time to learn when and how to start fall lawn care. If you want fantastic results, try to follow these easy and simple steps by Ryan Knorr Lawn Care on Youtube. You can do these to make yours one of the best in the neighborhood. Read on to find out his effective tips. For a detailed explanation of each step, you can watch the video below.



Step 1:

Evaluate your lawn. After the hot season, you should look at your lawn and assess the condition if you need to improve on any parts.

Step 2:

If you have some spots, they are usually drought stress, heat stress, or fungus. But when the temperature goes back to the ideal soil temperature, the grass will start to get healthy again. But if there are big brown spots, make sure to have an assessment.

When and How to Start Fall Lawn Care Tips
Image by: Ryan Knorr Lawn Care


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Step 3:

Think about if you need to do any seeding or more on a fertilizer program to make your grass healthy. If you have a really thin yard, right now will be the time to think about overseeding it. For the sporadic weeds, you can pick them up by hand if possible or by spot spraying. Let the temperature come down before you spray.

Step 4:

Feed your lawn. Look at the 10 or 14-day forecast and if you notice the high temperatures starting to go down, put down the first application of fertilizer after the stressful summer period.

When and How to Start Fall Lawn Care Tricks
Image by: Ryan Knorr Lawn Care


Step 5:

Make another application after two or three weeks from the first. After that, if you have bluegrass or ryegrass, do the nitrogen feeding.


When and How to Start Fall Lawn Care?

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