Piece A Cat Into A Quilt Block With This “Snapshots” Quilting Idea

Piece A Cat Into A Quilt Block With This “Snapshots” Quilting Idea | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

I’m so excited to share this awesome quilt with you today! This quilt is absolutely remarkable and I fell in love with it, as I’m sure most of you will too. It’s quite extraordinary.


She calls this the Snapshot Quilt and I assume it’s because they use different pictures in each block, making for this super cute and interesting quilt.

This is a quilt that would be fun to do with friends. I always get more motivated when I’m sewing and/or quilting with a group of friends. There are sewing circles all over the country.

I love the colors they used in making this quilt. What is it about a quilt that makes it scream “fun”? Certainly, fun fabrics and colors can play a part, but creative and unexpected piecing is often the deciding factor. Enjoy the eye candy below, and let them inspire you in your own creations of fun quilts!

Watch how The Fat Quarter Shop makes this quilt bock in their step by step tutorial. Also, I made sure to note, at the bottom of this post, the free pattern for all of the quilt blocks for this awesome quilt.

Website: http://fatquartershop.com

Free Pattern: http://www.fatquartershop.com/media/b…

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