3 Secrets to Growing Thick and Fleshy Aloe Vera Leaves

3 Secrets to Growing Thick and Fleshy Aloe Vera Leaves | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by: Garden Tips


Struggling to keep your aloe vera plant healthy? Here are 3 secrets to growing thick and fleshy aloe vera leaves by GARDEN TIPS. You will no longer have to deal with thin and leggy leaves after you have tried these tips and tricks! Read on and learn more about this air purifying plant.



1. Sunlight

One of the important factors that influence the thickness of your aloe vera leaves is sunlight. Keeping them indoors in spaces with not enough sunlight will make the leaves thin, long, or leggy. It can survive low light conditions but it won’t grow to its full potential. You must provide direct sunlight for at least 6 to 8 hours. Avoid the harsh noon sun during the hot summer season, as it can burn the leaf tips and edges. If you are growing it indoors, you need to place it in full direct sunlight at least 2 to 3 times in a week.

3 Secrets to Grow Thick and Fleshy Aloe Vera Leaves Tips
Image by: Garden Tips


2. Rotation trick

Rotate the container a couple of times every week to ensure that all of the leaves get an equal amount of sunlight for photosynthesis.

3. Watering technique

Aloe vera is a drought-resistant succulent plant that stores most of its moisture in its leaves in the form of a gel. If you let the soil become very dry for too long, the plant will begin to use the water reserved in its leaves which causes them to shrink. The right technique to water aloe vera is to deprive it of water but not too long. This is done by allowing the top 2 inches of the soil to completely dry out. You can check using a moisture meter or the finger dip method. water the aloe vera plant when the topsoil is completely dry. Remember that watering should be thorough and deep till the water flows out of the drainage holes.


3 Secrets to Growing Thick and Fleshy Aloe Vera Leaves

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