4 Ingredient Corn Fritters Recipe

4 Ingredient Corn Fritters Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Marion's Kitchen on Youtube


A good breakfast kick-starts your metabolism to help you burn calories and keep you energized throughout the day. Don’t give in to skipping breakfast because you are short on time. Instead, opt to prepare a fast and healthy breakfast.


This 4-ingredient corn fitters recipe by Marion’s Kitchen on YouTube can fit into a fast and healthy meal standard. Not only for breakfast, but even for lunch and dinner, these fritters rock around the clock! It is simple, versatile, and a guaranteed repeat recipe for your household. Plus, they’re kid-friendly!


  • 2 eggs
  • 12 oz frozen corn kernels
  • ¼ cup finely sliced spring onion
  • Sea salt
  • 4 tbsp vegetable oil


Prepare all the needed ingredients.

corn fritters recipe ingredients
Image credit: Marion’s Kitchen on Youtube

In the food processor bowl, combine self-raising flour, 2 eggs, 6 oz of frozen corn kernels, and a pinch of salt.  Blend until the consistency is smooth and transfer the mixture to a large mixing bowl.

Pour and fold through the remaining 6 oz of the corn kernels and the ¼ cup finely sliced spring onion to get that crunchy and tasty bite.  Mix all the ingredients until evenly combined.

Pour 2 tbsp of oil to grease a non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat to double proof the fitters. Spoon the batter into the heated pan while forming the fritters by spreading the mixture out slightly using the back of the spoon. Fit as much batter as you can into the pan. Let the batter cook for about 2 minutes on each side, or until golden brown.

When cooked, transfer the corn fritters to a platter and keep them warm while cooking the rest of the batter. When it’s time to serve, separate into different servings for the last step.

steps to make corn fritters
Image credit: Marions Kitchen on Youtube

Lastly, garnish with parsley and drizzle with some sweet coconut chili or sweet chili sauce for added flavor. Enjoy!

4 Ingredient Corn Fritters Recipe

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