Quilting is one of the best stress-relieving hobbies. It is also a means to make handmade goods for your loved ones. Here, Jeri B on YouTube makes this Quilt as You Go without sashing for her nephew, and this is how she made it.


  • Rotary cutter
  • Ruler
  • Measuring board
  • Cloth iron
  • Ironing board
  • Sewing machine

Fabric cut measurements for each block

  • Batting, 11-1/4″ squares, 20 for a baby quilt
  • Back, 11-1/4″ squares, 20 for a baby quilt
  • middle square is 2-1/2″
  • Two 2-1/2″ squares to flank the middle square
  • Two 2-1/2″x6-1/2″ strips to frame the middle square
  • Two 2-1/2″x6-1/2″ strips to flank the frame (square)
  • Two 2-1/2″x10-1/2″ strips to frame the frame (square)


Prepare all the needed materials. Make sure everything is washed and neatly pressed.

materials for quilt as you go
Image credit:Jeri B on Youtube

Mix and match the fabrics for each part, then cut them neatly with a rotary cutter and a long ruler to keep them straight. Lay the fabric blogs together, as seen in the photo. Alternately, stack all the back blog fabrics on top of the batting blog fabrics.

With a ruler, center the 2-middle square on top of the batting fabric and pin it in place. Sew one side’s middle squares to secure them while leaving a quarter inch seam.  Open the top middle square to face upright and finger press. Place another square on top of the centermost square and sew on the opposite side. Make sure to leave a quarter-inch seam.

Open the top middle square to face upright and finger press. Place the 2-1/2″x6-1/2″ strip on top of the sewed square and sew one long side while leaving a quarter inch seam. Sew the other side of the strip in place. Open the long strip so that it is upright and press your finger on it. Repeat with the other 2-1/2″x6-1/2″ strip on the opposite side.

With the other two 2-1/2″x6-1/2″ strips to flank the frame, repeat the sewing process on opposite sides of the square. On the opposite sides that are longer, sew on the Two 2-1/2″x10-1/2″ strips to frame the frame. Check all the sewn parts for stitching that did not go through the batting and hand stitch them in place.

Viola! You are done with the first block.

Customize and have fun mixing and matching the other fabrics and repeat the sewing process to make the other 11 blocks. In total, you will need 12 blocks. Lay the block fabrics on the bed, as seen in the photo.

Sew the binding with the remaining fabrics that were used for the blocks. Overlap each strip and sew a straight diagonal from corner to corner. Cut off the excess fabrics and neatly iron all the batting strips.

Lay the 12 block fabrics in the order you want them and take a picture of them for reference. Stack the blocks in columns and place a colored pin beside each one. Line up the first 2 blocks facing right sides together. Pin back the back and batting fabric, then pin and sew the two front pieces together. Repeat all the fabric blocks together while maintaining a quarter-inch seam.

Once all the front pieces are sewn, cut out the batting fabrics so they meet perfectly. Iron the fabrics in the back flat. Pinback the back fabrics and hand sew the batting fabrics. Repeat with the other blocks.

Assemble the column blocks by sewing them together. Once done, cut out the excess batting and back fabrics using a rotary cutter and ruler. Pin the binding strips facing the right sides of the whole fabric and stitch across.

how to make quilt as you go without sashing
Image credit: Jeri B on Youtube

When the binding is sewn around the quilt, connect the two ends by overlapping the binding, leaving a 2 and a quarter inch border, and cutting off the excess. Crisscross both strips right sides together, pin, and sew them together. Open up the binding and fold to the other side. Sew it in place.

How to Make Quilt as You Go Without Sashing


Elle Ann

With a flair and passion for writing, crafting, and cooking, I've embarked on a mission to discover promising content and turn it into simplified tutorials to help readers whip up their own nifty crafts and delicious food.
Food for me is an art form, so I get my kicks from playing around with flavors and ingredients. And, if you can't find me in the kitchen, I'm probably lurking in a cozy café, sipping on some coffee while indulging in my favorite burnt Basque cheesecake with either a book or phone in hand, of course.

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