How To Make A Pudding and Fruit Dessert Mold

How To Make A Pudding and Fruit Dessert Mold | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Riccette dolci on Youtube


You want some pudding, but ordinary pudding doesn’t seem to have anything magical about it? Ricette Dolci on YouTube teaches us their secret pudding and fruit dessert. From the looks of it, it looks like the perfect soft, spongy, thick-textured pudding we all crave. Plus, it has the best fruits on the counter, making it the ideal go-to dessert. Can you imagine what it would taste like? Make some right now at home. You just need to gather the necessary fruits, caramel cream, and some almonds, and you’re good to go. This dessert is perfect to eat while watching shows on TV with your loved-one.



  • 1 banana
  • 1 Apple 
  • 2 cooked Kiwis.
  • 8 strawberries
  • Cookies or biscuits
  • 1 gallon of milk
  • 2 sachets (200 g) cream caramel pudding
  • Sliced Almonds
  • Caramel sauce


Prepare all your ingredients and peel off the banana peels, the apple and kiwi skins. Scrub your strawberries clean to purge them of the harvest chemicals.

Slice them all up into bite-sized pieces. To prevent oxidation, squeeze half a lemon over the slices. Ideal for every nibble.

Ingredients for pudding and fruit dessert mold
Image credit: Riccette dolci on Youtube

In a saucepan over the stove, pour in 1 liter of milk and the 2 sachets of cream caramel pudding. Mix them all well, cover it with a pan and let it boil for 2 minutes.

Place the mixed chopped fruits in the cake mould and add bits of cookies or biscuits.

When the boiled milk and pudding cool down, gently pour it into the mould with the mixed ingredients and cover it with cellophane.

Bring it to the fridge for 1-2 hours/s.

Pudding and fruit dessert tutorial
Image credit: Riccette dolci on Youtube

As a bonus step in your frying pan, heat up some sliced almonds to add a bit of crunch.

When the pudding is chilled, flip it over on your signature plate, drizzle some caramel sauce and almond slices over it, and enjoy every bite.

How To Make A Pudding and Fruit Dessert Mold

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