I love wearing my hair in a ponytail, but I have to admit that my ponytail can look a little droopy at ties. When I saw this awesome idea of this 5-minute iconic perky high ponytail by Jackie Wyers, on YouTube, I had to try it! I loved the fact that it was a sort of modern take on a 60s ponytail. The dramatic effect of the 60s element was the fact that you add a couple of clip-in extension wefts to really make the ponytail thick and bouncy. The other thing that I absolutely loved about this video was the fact that at the end, Jackie added the cool 60s makeup tutorial and that was a real bonus.
Materials For The 5-Minute Iconic Perky High Ponytail:
- 2 clip-in extension wefts
- A large hair tie
- A brush
In this awesome idea of this 5-minute iconic perky high ponytail by Jackie Wyers, on YouTube, you will learn how to do a high 60s ponytail and create a dramatic cat eyeliner look that will really stop traffic! You will begin by putting your extension wefts on.
then you will make the ponytail and curl the ends.
This is such a cute hairstyle and the makeup idea goes so perfectly with the Sixties hairsyle.