How to Peel Garlic in a Mason Jar

How to Peel Garlic in a Mason Jar | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: janesgoodfood on Instagram


Stop purchasing pre-peeled vegetables. Garlic peeling is no longer a time-consuming chore thanks to this simple technique that Janine LaTullippe on Youtube shared with us. It’s really very simple. All you need is a mason jar. This trick is very useful when you’re in a rush and need to get things done in the kitchen immediately. It takes just a minute or two and you’ll be surprised that your garlic are already peeled!



  • Garlic
  • Mason jar
  • Knife
  • Chopping board


Break the garlic head in half with your hands or a knife.

process of peeling garlic in a mason jar
Image credit: Janine LaTullippe on Youtube

Then place the garlic cloves in an empty mason jar with a tight-fitting lid. Close the lid and shake vigorously for 30 seconds, or until the skins come off. Remove the garlic cloves that have been skinned and use them as needed.

steps to peel garlic in a mason jar
Image credit: Janine LaTullippe on Youtube

Don’t forget to share this trick with your friends. Maybe they will thank you for this lifesaver kitchen hack. Your unused mason jars will be of good use as well instead of just being stocked in a cabinet.

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