You’ll surely get nostalgia from this peanut butter and jelly sandwich recipe from Casual Cooking on YouTube with a delectable twist that will leave you wanting more. Who would have thought that grilling this would give a new flavor profile to this childhood classic sandwich? The creamy peanut butter and sweet jelly meld between slices of perfectly grilled bread, creating a symphony of flavors and textures that will leave you craving more.

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In this step by step instructions, Casual Cooking demonstrates how to make the perfect grilled peanut butter jelly sandwich right in the comforts of your home. You surely don’t want to miss this out! Watch the video below, or continue reading below for the complete list of ingredients. Thanks, Casual Cooking for this fantastic sandwich recipe! Make sure to check the channel for more recipes like this.


  • whole-grain bread
  • peanut butter
  • grape jelly
  • 1 tbsp butter, divided


Step 1

Take two slices of bread and spread a generous amount of peanut butter on one piece. After this, add the grape jelly over the peanut butter. Once done, put the other piece of bread on top. Now, heat a pan over low heat, then melt 1/2 tbsp of butter. Once melted, put the sandwich on the pan and flatten it slightly using a spatula to help it coat with butter.

Spreading peanut butter and jelly on the bread
Image credits: Casual Cooking via Youtube

Step 2

Cook it for about five minutes, then repeat it on the other side with the same amount of cooking time (don’t forget to melt another 1/2 tbsp of butter). Check the edges from time to time to avoid burning them. Remove the sandwich from the pan once you’re satisfied with the doneness. Serve and enjoy!

Melting the butter for grilling the peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Image credits: Casual Cooking via Youtube

Grilled Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Recipe

Stephanie Hicks | DIY JOY



Since I lover experiments, I’ve alwaysnloved to create, paint, as well as cook and style food. I feel in love with DIY as soon as I discovered it and could not have been more excited when I learned I could share projects with people around the world. Taking photos is a passion of mine, as is design and painting with oils. I love holidays and celebrations, crafting cute little gifts and serving up at least one new recipe I am excited about.

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