Are you bored of just using your brush in creating your paintings? Or are you exploring new materials you can use for your next art project? This unique craft idea by Designer Gemma77 will surprise you! I have painted for years but never thought of using a balloon as a technique to create flowers. You don’t need to be a pro to paint this flower garden masterpiece. And it can also be a fun activity for kids this summer – a great pastime that will take them off their phones and help them improve their creative skills. Learn how to paint flowers with a balloon by watching the video below.
- canvas
- balloon
- rubber band
- paint (3 different colors, one color should be green for the stems)
- marble ball
- paint brush
- dotting tool/ toothpick/ stick
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Step 1:
Get your balloon, then pull the inside out. Insert the small marble until it is in the bottom of the balloon. Then using the rubber band, secure the marble tightly. Now reverse it back again. Blow some air into the balloon and tie it. This is what you’ll use to make the petals of the flowers.
Step 2:
Now it’s time to paint! Drop some magenta paint or your preferred color on your painting palette. If you don’t have one, just put it on a surface a few inches away from your painting so you won’t damage your art. Dip the end of the balloon into the magenta color and press it gently into the canvas to create the petals of the flowers. Make a few flowers. Next, using your brush and the green paint, create the stems and leaves of the flowers.
Step 3:
Finishing touches. Using your dotting tool and yellow paint, create the center of the flower. Let it dry.
Now you have your flower garden painting!