Old-Fashioned 3-Ingredient Chocolate Cookies

Old-Fashioned 3-Ingredient Chocolate Cookies | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Early American via Youtube


Chocolate cookies are my absolute favorite treats, and this 3-ingredient recipe from Early American on Youtube is my go-to whenever I’m craving. It’s super easy to make, and the recipe doesn’t even involve flour. So if you’re looking for a quick snack recipe, try these little circles of goodness now!



  • 1/2 cup grated chocolate
  • two eggs (whites only)
  • a little over a cup of caster sugar


Step 1

Grate your chocolate, separate your egg whites and yolks, then beat the egg whites, until foamy. Combine your caster sugar and grated chocolate in another bowl, then add the beaten egg whites. Mix well.

Beating the egg whites for the old-fashioned cookies
Image credits: Early American via Youtube


Step 2

Line your baking tray with parchment paper. Next, using a spoon, scoop your batter into the lined tray. Place the cookies in the oven at 230 degrees F and bake for one hour to one hour and ten minutes.

Placing the cookie batter on the baking tray
Image credits: Early American via Youtube

Old-Fashioned 3-Ingredient Chocolate Cookies

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