No Scrub Toilet Cleaning Hack

No Scrub Toilet Cleaning Hack | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Sandy Steinbrook via YouTube


Are you tired of spending endless hours scrubbing away at your toilet, only to be left with lackluster results? Do you dread the chore of cleaning the bathroom, especially when it comes to tackling the toilet? Well, fear no more! Say goodbye to tiresome scrubbing sessions and hello to a game-changing solution with this no-scrub toilet cleaning hack from Sandy Steinbrook on YouTube that will revolutionize your bathroom cleaning routine!


RELATED: 5 Genius Toilet Cleaning Tips You Have to Try Now

In this article, Sandy Steinbrook will teach you the step by step process of how to clean your toilet without the pain of endless scrubbing. You’ll only need citric acid and one hour of your time for this hack. Gone are the days of tedious scrubbing and harsh chemical cleaners. With this clever cleaning method, you’ll achieve sparkling results in no time! Learn it today by watching the video tutorial below, or continue reading down for the complete written procedure.

You’ll Need:

  • 1 cup citric acid
  • bucket of hot water


Step 1

Turn off the water, take off the cover of the toilet tank, and then flush completely (hold on to the handle until the tank is empty.) Once empty, fill it up with a bucket of hot water, then add 1 cup of citric acid. Stir around until citric acid fully dissolves and let it sit for an hour.

Adding citric acid into the toilet tank
Image credits: Sandy Steinbrook via YouTube

Step 2

After one hour, flush and hold again the handle until the tank empties out. After this, turn your water back on, then flush it out again to remove any citric acid left. Your toilet tank is now completely clean. Repeat this every once in a while to ensure a clean tank.

Turning the water again after cleaning the toilet tank
Image credits: Sandy Steinbrook via YouTube

No Scrub Toilet Cleaning Hack

No Scrub Toilet Cleaning Hack

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