If you are not a fan of binding, then you will love this easy and simple project by The Sewing room Channel. This is the no-binding pot holder that’s super quick to make – perfect for gifts to your friends or family. Watch the video below for detailed instructions.
- 1 piece of 10″ square
- 1 piece of 8″ square
- 1 piece of 1 1/2″ x 5″
- 2 pieces of 8″ squares of cotton batting
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Step 1:
Place 10″ square right side down. Next, place the 2 pieces of cotton batting on top of the 10″ square. Make sure to align it in the center. After that, place the 8″ square on top of the cotton batting. There will be a 1″ excess on the bottom 10′ square showing on all sides.
Step 2:
Get straight pins and use them to hold all the fabric layers together.
Step 3:
You can just use a straight stitch going across then turning it around and going across the other way. You can also do it on a diagonal by going corner to corner. If you have decorative sewing stitches on your machine, you can also use them. A walking foot will be great in making this pot holder as it keeps the layers of your fabric from shifting away from each other.
Step 4:
Trim off some of the fabric in each corner. Leave 1/2″ of fabric extending out past each corner.
Step 5:
Take the corners, fold each one over, and press. Next, take the sides and fold them over, then press with an iron. Do it on all four sides. Set aside.
Step 6:
Take the fabric for the loop and fold it half an inch and press. Go to the other side and do the same. Fold it over again in half and press. Stitch it close to the edge.
Step 7:
Take your loop and place it along the side and go in about an inch. Do a straight-line stitch. Take the other end of the loop and curve it around. Lay it across the opposite edge and stitch it down. Fold the edge over and place the pin to hold it. Go to the other side and do the same thing. Stitch them close to the loop.
Step 8:
Fold the edges over and stitch them close to the folded edge. Do the same on all sides.