No Bake Apple Dessert with 1 Cup Milk

No Bake Apple Dessert with 1 Cup Milk | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Hands Touch on Youtube


I’m a sucker for desserts. Here’s one of my favorite easy-to-follow recipes that you would definitely love if you like apples. It’s a no-bake apple dessert by Hands Touch on YouTube.  



  • milk 1 cup (250 ml)
  • cornstarch 2 tbsp (14 gram)
  • sugar 5 tbsp (75 gram)
  • butter 2 tbsp (30 gram)
  • biscuits 100 gram
  • apple 3 pieces
  • walnut 
  • desiccated coconut


Prepare all the needed ingredients.

Break 100g of biscuits into small pieces in a large mixing bowl.

no bake apple dessert ingredients
Image credit: Hands Touch on Youtube

In a pan, grate 2 pieces (200g) of peeled apple.

Place the pan with the apples on medium heat and add 2 tbsp of sugar, ¼ tsp of cinnamon powder, and 1 tbsp of unsalted butter. Stir all the ingredients until well combined, and the apples are softened for about 12–13 minutes.

When done, add the apple mixture to the biscuit bowl. Then, add 2 tbsp of chopped walnuts and stir well using a spatula.

Transfer the mixture to a microwave-safe bowl and spread it evenly. Set aside.

In another bowl, combine 2 tbsp of cornstarch and 1 cup of milk. Set aside after thoroughly whisking. Slice the last apple into small pieces.

Heat a pan and melt 1 tbsp of unsalted butter. Add in the sliced apples and sauté for about 10-15 seconds.  Add 2 tbsp of sugar and 1 pinch of cinnamon powder. Stir and cook on medium heat for 8–10 minutes, or until the apple becomes soft and the juice evaporates.

Set aside a small portion of the cooked apples. Stir the milk mixture and add it to the pan. Reduce the heat to a low heat.  Add 1 tbsp of sugar and stir continuously until you get a creamy consistency. Transfer immediately to a microwave-safe bowl and spread evenly.

no bake apple dessert with one cup milk
Image credit: Hands Touch on Youtube

Top the dessert with the small portion of apples that were set aside, some chopped walnuts, and desiccated coconut. Place the dessert in the fridge to cool for at least 3 hours.

Serve and have fun!

No Bake Apple Dessert with 1 Cup Milk

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