There are many things in our day to cay environment that could potentially harm our lungs, a couple of those things that we may not think twice about are candles and air fresheners. Although those candles and air fresheners may smell good, they are filled with chemicals and can really give the lungs a beating. There are so many chemicals in other stuff, like laundry soap and fabric softener, just try walking outside while your clothes are drying and the smell from your laundry will be filling the neighborhood. One of the first things you need to do is to change the air filters. They are traps for dirt and must stay clean. Phlegm is made from our mucus membrane and it can stack up in the throat and respiratory tract so, when I found this awesome video by Motovationaldoc, on YouTube, I had to try it!
Ingredients For The 1-Cup Natural Drink To Help Clear Phlegm From Lungs:
- 1/2 fresh lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon of honey (if you can get Manuka Honey please try)
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil (I use pork lard, but to each his own, lol)
- 1/8 teaspoon of cinnamon
In this awesome video by Motovationaldoc, on YouTube, you will learn to make this awesome drink in a few easy steps. One of the key ingredients is honey. Honey is full of phytonutrients and is anti-bacterial, and anti-viral. Manuka honey from New Zealand has the most.
This drink also contains cinnamon which will work to break up all of that nasty mucus.