Make Salami Roses Using a Shot Glass

Make Salami Roses Using a Shot Glass | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Paula Naumcheff via YouTube


Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. What is a better way to celebrate Heart’s Day than with a charcuterie board? It is a platter of cured meats, cheeses, crackers, fruits, spreads, nuts, and other delicious foods. One of the most popular cured meats used is salami.


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It does contain a lot of little dishes, but most require little to no cooking, saving you a lot of time. The only hard part is assembling them and making everything look presentable. If you want to impress your date, try making these salami roses. All you need is a shotglass to make one. It’s super easy and quick. Paula Naumcheff‘s will teach you the step-by-step instructions below. Even if it’s not Valentine’s Day, it’s perfect for picnics, anniversaries, weddings, birthday celebrations, and more.

What You Need to Make Pepperoni Roses

  • shot glass
  • thin pepperoni or salami 3″ rounds

How to Make Salami Roses Appetizer

Step 1:

Take one salami. Insert half of it inside the glass and fold it so that the other half of it is outside.

What You Need to Make Pepperoni Roses
Image by Paula Naumcheff via YouTube

Step 2:

Get another piece. Look at halfway between where the first one extends. That’s where you’re going to start the next piece. Press it down the same way that you did in step 1.

Repeat two more times, until you fill the whole shot glass.

How to Make Salami Roses Appetizer
Image by Paula Naumcheff via YouTube

Step 3:

Time for the next layer. Do the same steps that you did for the first layer, making sure they are between the slices. You don’t want to put them in the same position as the first layers. Make sure you are pressing each one down.

Step 4:

Keep doing the same steps. It will take about 10 to 12 pepperoni or salami rounds to make the rose.

Step 5:

Once done, press it on the top and sides so it holds properly, then invert it on your charcuterie board.

Make Salami Roses Using a Shot Glass

Shotglass salami roses

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