Don’t you love adding cilantro to your dishes? It gives this refreshing, citrusy, and tart taste that I just really like. I have always bought them from the grocery and wanted to learn how to grow them in my garden so I will no longer have to buy them every week. Luckily, I found this video by Terrace gardening at Home that taught me the magical way to grow coriander in just 5 days. If you want to learn how to do it, keep on reading or watch the video below.
- healthy coriander seeds
- stone or any hard heavy object
- normal garden soil
- container
- pot
- water
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Step 1:
Place the healthy coriander seeds on your work surface. Break all the seeds into two parts using a heavy object just like in the photo below. It is important that you break them as corianders have two seeds. This will also help to expedite germination.
Step 2:
Fill a small container with water, then add the broken seeds. Let them soak in water for a night before sowing them. You need to do this as the husk needs to be softened, so the seedlings can easily break it.
Step 3:
Add garden soil into a pot. Sprinkle the seeds into the soil with the water.
Step 4:
Cover all the seeds with a thin layer of soil. You can just sprinkle dry soil on top. Make sure not to put too much.
Step 5:
Spray water into the soil and let it grow for a few days. In summer, make sure to keep the pot in an area with indirect sunlight. During winter, you want to keep the pot in a space with sunlight for the whole day. In the spring season, keep it to a partial shade.