Don’t you love adding cilantro to your dishes? It gives this refreshing, citrusy, and tart taste that I just really like. I have always bought them from the grocery and wanted to learn how to grow them in my garden so I will no longer have to buy them every week. Luckily, I found this video by Terrace gardening at Home that taught me the magical way to grow coriander in just 5 days. If you want to learn how to do it, keep on reading or watch the video below.



  • healthy coriander seeds
  • stone or any hard heavy object
  • normal garden soil
  • container
  • pot
  • water


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Step 1:

Place the healthy coriander seeds on your work surface. Break all the seeds into two parts using a heavy object just like in the photo below. It is important that you break them as corianders have two seeds. This will also help to expedite germination.

Magical Way to Grow Coriander in Just 5 Days Tip
Image by Terrace gardening at Home via Youtube

Step 2:

Fill a small container with water, then add the broken seeds. Let them soak in water for a night before sowing them. You need to do this as the husk needs to be softened, so the seedlings can easily break it.

Step 3:

Add garden soil into a pot. Sprinkle the seeds into the soil with the water.

Magical Way to Grow Coriander in Just 5 Days Hack
Image by Terrace gardening at Home via Youtube

Step 4:

Cover all the seeds with a thin layer of soil. You can just sprinkle dry soil on top. Make sure not to put too much.

Step 5:

Spray water into the soil and let it grow for a few days. In summer, make sure to keep the pot in an area with indirect sunlight. During winter, you want to keep the pot in a space with sunlight for the whole day. In the spring season, keep it to a partial shade.


Magical Way to Grow Coriander in Just 5 Days


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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