Lasagna Bread Recipe

Lasagna Bread Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image By: Twisted Via YouTube


Have you ever heard of lasagna bread? I had never even known that such a thing as lasagna bread even existed, but when I saw this lasagna bread video tutorial by Twisted, on YouTube, It was definitely a case of love at first sight. The recipe is super easy and the ingredients are very much like any spaghetti bolognese recipe and any bread recipe, except the two dishes, will put them together. This is truly a delicious and unique idea, you will not be disappointed I this recipe at all.


Ingredients For Lasagna Bread Recipe:

For The Bread:

  • 350 grams Semolina Flour
  • 250 grams all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 60 ml. of olive oil
  • 270 ml. of lukewarm water

For The Sauce:

  • 4 sausages (removed from casing)
  • 2 cans of tomato sauce
  • Fresh basil (to taste)
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)


In this lasagna bread video tutorial by Twisted, on YouTube, you will learn how to make this unique dish in a few easy steps. You begin by making your bread dough, then you will make the bolognese sauce, or you can use the sauce in a jar if you want to. 

How To Make Lasagna Bread - Easy Lasagna Recipe Idea - Savory Bread Recipe
Image By: Twisted Via YouTube

Then, you will roll the bread dough out, then layer the meat sauce through the layers and bake at 35o°F for 40 minutes.

How To Make Lasagna Bread - Easy Lasagna Recipe Idea - Savory Bread Recipe
Image By: Twisted Via YouTube

This recipe is delicious, I can’t believe I never thought of putting these to dishes together!

Lasagna Bread Recipe

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