Watch How She Simply Stencils Lace On Book Spines For A Fabulous Home Decor Idea!

Watch How She Simply Stencils Lace On Book Spines For A Fabulous Home Decor Idea! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

It’s amazing how some of the smallest details can create such a impressive look for your home decor.  I love the look of this stack of books and the simple way she embellishes the binders by stenciling lace on them and adding small door knobs.


Many Interior Designers use stacks of books on shelves and sit a cute nik nak on top of them, amongst other items, but you will always see books being used in some form or fashion.

I love books, I don’t always love how they look. But I think books are perfect for decorating, either on a book shelf, on free floating shelves, on tables, under lamps, etc. and for reading of course.
What do you do when you don’t have pretty books and you want to display them somehow? Cover them up of course.
I have seen some incredibly beautiful things people have done to book spines. Have you thought about the books on your bookshelves and what you could do to make them look better? It can make a real difference in your decor.
Watch how the O’Neil Sisters stencils lace on these book spines and how it is so transformative.


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