Instant Pot Baked Potatoes Recipe

Instant Pot Baked Potatoes Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image By: Kristen Pound Via YouTube


I love cooking in my Instant Pot so much, which is why I am always on the lookout for any new Instant Pot recipe I can get my hands on. Recently, I found this delicious Instant Pot baked potato recipe by Kristen Pound, on YouTube, and I had to try it. I make regular baked potatoes in my oven all the time, so the idea of a baked potato made in the Instant Pot sounds absolutely amazing! The Idea of being able to make my baked potatoes really quickly in my Instant Pot is really a very attractive idea because you normally don’t think of baked potatoes as being a quick meal idea, but let me tell you, these baked potatoes made in the Instant Pot are super quick.


Ingredients For The Instant Pot Baked Potatoes:

  • Russet Baking Potatoes
  • An Instant Pot
  • Salt (to taste)


In this delicious Instant Pot baked potato recipe by Kristen Pound, on YouTube, you will learn how to make this simple recipe in a few easy steps. You begin by adding a bit of water to the Instant Pot, then adding your potatoes. You can also add a bit of salt and butter if you want, I love that flavor and highly recommend that.

How To Cook Baked Potatoes - Instant Pot Ideas - Instant Pot Recipe Ideas
Image By: Kristen Pound Via YouTube

Then, you will set the Instant Pot on high pressure for 12 minutes. It is really that easy folks!


How To Make Baked Potatoes In An Instant Pot - Easy Instant Pot Baked Potato Recipe - Baked Potato Ideas
Image By: Kristen Pound Via YouTube

This is such an invaluable method of cooking baked potatoes efficiently.

Instant Pot Baked Potatoes Recipe

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