Washing the laundry is a very important task that everyone should take seriously because nothing is better than wearing clean and fresh-smelling clothes. However, not everyone can always achieve this result because there are times when even after washing them thoroughly, they still would stink and smell all musty when they got out of the machine, which is odd considering you have used a lot of detergent and other products. This happens because some of the sweat stains and other dirt that has clung to your clothes aren’t completely removed and which becomes a breeding ground for bacteria which in turn emits the unwanted smell. So, to quickly and easily fix this situation, let this video tutorial and very effective hack by Smart Fox on YouTube help you out. You won’t even need a lot of materials to do this simple laundry hack, because all you’ll be needing is sodium bicarbonate or most commonly known as baking soda, and of course, this video tutorial, too.
- Baking soda
All you have to do is to load your washing machine as you normally would, then add the detergent to the compartment on your machine, and add about 1 to 2 tablespoons of baking soda to the top compartment. Once done, start your washing machine and let it run through the cycle or program that you would use normally, then hang your laundry and let it dry completely, and you’ll notice that there will be no more odor emitting from your laundry. Do this as often as needed.
*Thanks to Smart Fox via YouTube for all images used here. If you loved this hack, then you’ll surely love his other videos too, so give his channel a visit and subscribe!