8 Indoor Plants That Can Grow In Water

8 Indoor Plants That Can Grow In Water | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by: Erica by Design


If you are a new plant parent you’re probably experiencing difficulty in dealing with soil as it can be messy; not only that, but you also have to worry about the insects. So if you are looking for other alternatives to avoid these problems, here are 8 indoor plants that can grow in water as listed and explained by Erica by Design on Youtube. These are easier to maintain and need less care! Perfect if you get busy and forget to water your plants.



1. Aglonema red siam

This plant has different varieties that you can choose from. Identify the healthy shoot of the mother plant and it should have at least five leaves. Cut it diagonally with a sharp blade or shears, then take off the bottom leaves. Place it in a jar filled with water.

8 Indoor Plants That Can Grow In Water Aglonema
Image by: Erica by Design


2.  Basil

Cut a stem that is around four or five inches in length. Remove the bottom leaves and place them in water. After 5 days or more, you will start to see roots.

3. Anthurium

This plant is easy to grow in water. Just take one from a cutting and place it into a net pot. The net pot is optional, you can place it directly in water. But it makes it easier when you need to change the water of the plant. Make sure the water doesn’t go all the way to the top when you use a net pot.

8 Indoor Plants That Can Grow In Water Anthurium
Image by: Erica by Design


4. Pothos devil’s ivy

You can not go wrong with this plant. It grows in any water, you can use tap or rainwater. If you are a beginner, then this plant is for you.


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5. Umbrella plant or Schefflera

This plant grows extremely well in water if you can get it to grow. It requires bright indirect sunlight.

6. Monstera

Look for the node area, it is delineated by the aerial root, cut right below there. Then place it in water. It will develop roots over time.

7. Snake plant

Take the leaves of an older plant and put them into water. After a while, you will start to see new pups growing.

8. Philodendron wend-imbe

This plant is a prolific grower. Just take a stem cutting and place it into water.


8 Indoor Plants That Can Grow in Water

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