Do you often work with hoses, extension cords, and cables? Whether you use them for your job or simply manage them at home, these tricks will save you a lot of time and stress. LRN2DIY is here to teach you how to wrap extension cords and cables – the proper way! These two methods are mostly used by professionals and are guaranteed to be tangle-free.
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You’ve probably struggled with detangling your hose when washing your car or cord when fixing something in your house. Turns out the arm method is not the way to go! Yes, wrapping it around your arm is a recipe for disaster. Instead, try the over and under method or the chain method, both of which are way more effective. Say goodbye to the stress of detangling cords once you learn the proper way to store them. For the full tutorial, watch the video below.
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How to wrap hose: The over and under method
Use your dominant hand to do the wrapping and your non-dominant hand as a holder. Make one regular loop, but for the next one go under. While holding the working cord with your dominant hand, twist your wrist so your forearm is underneath the loop, then bring it to your other hand. Pull the working cord with your dominant hand and let it hang. Grab another arm’s length and put it over just like a regular one, then do it under. Repeat over and under for the length of the cord. Tie it with a velcro strap.
When you are working with a house, the over-and-under is the ideal way to go.
How to wrap extension cords: The chain method
This may work best for an extension cord, not for a hose. Take the two ends and plug them into each other. Follow it along until you get to the end. Once you get the halfway mark, take that loop that you created and feed the working cord to the loop. You’ll end with the working cord again and the loop. Feed it again to your loop. Keep doing it in small segments. Feed the end to the last loop.