How To Use Baking Soda To Kill Pests

How To Use Baking Soda To Kill Pests | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image Credits: Natural Health Remedies via YouTube


If you have recurring problems with certain pests, the cheapest and certainly most effective way to repel them can be found in your cupboard! Your baking soda can work wonders and help you with your problems. Learn the right procedures as demonstrated by Natural Health Remedies on YouTube.



  • Baking soda
  • Water
  • Sugar


Cockroaches: convince them to eat it by mixing the baking soda with sugar, make sure it’s dry with no water or other liquid, or it won’t work. The soda reacts with water inside the cockroach’s body, which then expands, and with their firm exoskeleton, their bodies are crushed from the inside out.

Centipedes: To get rid of centipedes from your drain, start by pouring 1 cup of baking soda down the drain slowly to coat the inside of the drains as well as possible. Then pour around 2 cups of vinegar down the drain, when the two ingredients mix it’ll cause a bubbling reaction and will push the mixture further down the drain. This produces co2 which drowns the centipedes. You might have to do several rinses to kill your centipede problem.


Snails and Slugs: You can sprinkle baking soda in the garden on snails and slugs to kill them. However, this can be a nasty death for the slug or snail, as the baking soda sticks to their mucus-y skin and slowly dehydrates them. It’s more humane to use as much as possible, to kill the creature quickly.
You can sprinkle baking soda lightly onto the soil around your garden to kill any snails or slugs. This will also help to deter any future slimy invaders.

Ants: Baking soda will kill ants if once eaten, it reacts with the water and acid in the ant’s body and expands, just like the cockroach reaction. This dehydrates the ant and kills it. Do this by mixing baking soda and sugar, then the worker ants bring the mixture back to the colony. For a better chance at getting rid of the whole infestation, locate the ants’ nest and surround it with your soda and sugar mixture.

Baking Soda Hacks To Remove Pests
Image Credits: Natural Health Remedies via YouTube

Mice and Rats: Baking soda will kill mice and rats because rats aren’t able to expel any build-up of gas in their system. When ingested, baking soda expands and causes a build-up of gas in the body of a mouse or rat. Create a mixture of 2/3 cup soda, 2/3 cup sugar, and 2/3 cup flour, you can adjust depending on how much you need. Once mixed, add a little warm water, don’t get it too runny but form the paste into balls instead, leave the soda balls around where mice or rats might find and eat them.

Fleas: Fresh baking soda is needed for this, this is fatal for fleas because baking soda and salt dehydrate the fleas and eggs. Mix equal parts of salt and baking soda, then sprinkle liberally on carpets, rugs, and other soft furnishing areas, then use a brush or broom to work the mixture onto the carpets. Leave it overnight, then vacuum it up in the morning. you can also use baking soda and water to kill fleas on your pets, mix 1½ cup water and 1 tsp soda, and work the mixture into your pet wet fur except for the face, let it sit for a minute then rinse thoroughly.

Bedbugs: Mix baking soda and water into a paste, and spread over to the most common hiding places for bed bugs and surrounding areas, sleep somewhere else while this is going on, during the night bedbugs will look for a meal and eat it, vacuum and replace the paste if needed.

Note: If any step doesn’t work then check if your baking soda is old. Test it by adding a little water to the baking soda and if it fizzles for a few seconds or longer that means it’s fresh, if not then buy a new one. If it still not working then try to find out why or if the insects ate it.

Kill and Rid Pests Using Baking Soda
Image Credits: Natural Health Remedies via YouTube


*All these images are credited to Natural Health Remedies via YouTube. Give their channel a visit and subscribe for more!

How To Use Baking Soda To Kill Pests

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