Buying fruits could be a little challenging as you don’t always get ripe ones. So how you’ll be able to tell if the fruits are ripe? Howdini on Youtube has the best solution for you! Whether it’s pineapple, strawberries, or honeydew, you’ll be able to tell if they are ripe without opening them. These tips could become handy if you’re in the grocery buying your fruits. Whenever I’m out buying fruits, I always apply these tips as they’re effective. Share these with your friends and family; these tips might become handy for them too! Watch the video below to learn the following.
If you’re going to buy pineapples, make sure to look for golden ones as opposed to green ones.
When looking for ripe honeydew, touch them. Ripe ones should have a waxy soft exterior.
When buying ripe cantaloupes, tap them and you should hear a drum like sound. Another thing, when you push down in the stem, you should see a slight depression.
For strawberries, smell them and the ripe ones should smell great, like a floral fragrance.