Basting, for me, is the most tedious part of quilting. There are no other options for me besides doing it on the floor, hurting my back and knees in the process. So, when I saw the table-basting method from Erica Arndt on YouTube, I quickly tried it. Now, basting has become tolerable; I even quite enjoy it now. It’s so fast, efficient, and easy that even beginners can do it just fine. Watch the video tutorial below to learn the step by step instructions.
- quilt backing and top
- 505 spray adhesive
- 100% cotton batting
Step 1
To start, center the table, move it away from the wall, then spread the batting out. Next, add the quilt top, making sure all the edges are lined up properly. Once you’re certain with the placement, go ahead and smooth it down. After this, roll your quilt down in sections, about 1-foot inch wide, rolling it all the way down towards the end. For the last section, fold up and away, making sure everything is nice and straight. Now, start spraying, one section at a time, smoothing it out as you go.
Step 2
Once done, run your iron down on the quilt top quickly in low heat, getting all the wrinkles out. After this, flip the whole thing over and lay the backing fabric the exact same way; rolling it in sections with the last fold up and away, then making sure everything is nice and straight. Once done, quickly run the iron in low heat.