How To Stitch Up A Hole Neatly – Hidden Seam Tutorial

How To Stitch Up A Hole Neatly – Hidden Seam Tutorial | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Make it Easy via YouTube


Did you know it’s actually possible to sew up a hole in your clothes without the seam being seen outside with this brilliant sewing tip from Make it Easy on YouTube? It’s so quick and easy, that even beginners will be able to pull it off! All you need is a thread in the same color, a piece of tape, and the thinnest needle you have and you’re good to go.


RELATED: Sewing Hack You Haven’t Seen Before

Learn how by watching the video tutorial below for the step by step instructions, or continue reading down for the complete written procedure. Thanks to Make it Easy for this brilliant and beginner-friendly sewing tip!

You’ll Need:

  • tape
  • thread
  • thinnest needle you have


Step 1

To start, turn the fabric inside out, then align it well with the torn sections connected. Next, cut a small piece of tape and place it over the torn area to hold the fabric in place. Turn the fabric back and straighten it out. Now, thread your thinnest needle and start stitching. Put a finger at the back of the torn area for support, then start the needle from the inside above the hole, between the tape and the fabric. Next, needle a very small area of the fabric, and without pulling the needle, make the same small stitch on the area beside. (There should be a very small distance between the stitches.)

Adding a piece of tape on the back of the torn fabric
Image credits: Make it Easy via YouTube

Step 2

Repeat this, making small stitches, then increasing the width of the stitch as you go to the widest part of the hole. (The thread should always be on top to avoid overlapping with each stitch.) Once done, slowly pull down the thread until no thread is visible. Remove the tape on the back, then bring the needle to the wrong side and lock the seam. Cut off the extra thread and you’re done!

Stitching up the hole neatly with the seam hidden away
Image credits: Make it Easy via YouTube

How To Stitch Up A Hole Neatly – Hidden Seam Tutorial

How To Sew Up A Hole Neatly - Hidden Seam Tutorial

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